Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und LebensmittelsicherheitZKBS


Details zur Zelllinie

1205-Lu, 1205 Lu, WM 1205 Lu, WM1205, LU1205, WC00058
Maus/ Mensch
  • Melanom
Cellosaurus: CVCL_5239 Hareesh B. Nair1 et al., 1205Lu Human Metastatic Melanoma Cells, not Human!, J Cancer Sci Ther 2013, 5.3
ATCC CRL­2812 Human melanoma cell line, which harbors BRAFV600E and CDK4 mutations. There is a major contamination (70-80%) of mouse chromosomes in this cell line. The 1205Lu (ATCC CRL­2812) cell line was derived from lung metastases of WM793B cells (ATCC CRL­2806) after subcutaneous injection into immunodeficient mice. The WM793B line was established from skin taken from the primary melanoma of a vertical growth phase (VGP) lesion taken from the sternum of a patient on 01/07/83.

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