Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und LebensmittelsicherheitZKBS


Details zum Onkogen

PKP1 und shRNA*
Gene product isoform 1 is part of the desmosome complexes. Involved in binding intermediate filaments. Also function as translation enhancer. Isoform 2 is exclusively nucleus localized.
ohne Gefährdungspotential
PKP1 expression is upregulated in lung cancer [1]. Overexpression of PKP1 in lung cancer cell lines results either in increased proliferation and cell survival [2] or in reduced proliferation and migration [3]. A siRNA-mediated knock down and a CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knock out of PKP1 in lung cancer cell lines results in reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis [2]. A siRNA-mediated knock down in non-neoplastic BPH-1 cells does not result in loss of contact inhibition [4]. In a murine xenograft assay the injection of lung cancer cell lines with siRNA mediated PKP1 knock down does not result in tumor formation [2]. Die Ursächliche Beteiligung an der Entstehung von Tumoren ist nicht gezeigt.
[1] Boyero, L. et al., Cell Oncol (Dordr), 2022, 45 (2), 323–332. doi: 10.1007/s13402-022-00660-1. [2] Martin-Padron, J. et al., Oncogene, 2020, 39 (32), 5479–5493. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-1129-3. [3] Haase, D. et al., Exp Mol Pathol, 2019, 108, 73–79. doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2019.04.001. [4] Yang, C. et al., Tumour Biol, 2015, 36 (12), 9567–9577. doi: 10.1007/s13277-015-3628-3.
gentechnisch veränderter Organismuszusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
adenovirale und AAV abgeleitete Vektoren
retrovirale Vektoren mit Pseudotypisierung (verstärkte Partikelstabilität, Wirtstropismus für humane Epithelzellen)

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